Visiting an optometrist is not always a preferred option when replacing glasses. Here is what is happening in the industry these days:
As far as the actual eye test is concerned it is still best to go to your local optometrist. However, thereafter things are not so good. The optometrist will try to sell you the most expensive frames and also lenses with all kinds of extras which is pushing up the cost of those eyeglasses. This happened to me only two weeks ago and I had to insist that I only wanted the budget deal. Even then I still had to pay almost $70 which is probably reasonable. However, online businesses make eyeglasses available to consumers from six dollars per pair. There are also many online businesses such as which will charge between 25 and $40 for prescription eyeglasses. The optometrist, however, was doing his best to sell me eyeglasses with a whole range of features that were going to cost me $250. It should be very obvious that there are many benefits when a person obtains their prescription eyeglasses from online sites. When you do your shopping on your computer over an Internet connection there is no external pressure. This can be helpful especially when you are on a tight budget. Your local optometrist is mostly operating in a limited office space with only two or three salespeople on duty. There may be half a dozen or more people waiting to be served giving you the impression that everyone is watching everybody. Even while trying out a few frames there is always a measure of pressure and therefore when it comes to making a final decision you might feel that you are under pressure to take something more expensive. It might feel as though you’re under an obligation even though you haven’t found a frame which you really like.
Fact: Consumers want to be polite
Does this sound familiar? You do not want to appear as a person who is unnecessarily stubborn and difficult. Therefore, you do not want to try out every single frame available in that shop. In reality, you are completely within your rights to ensure that you are completely satisfied. The undeniable reality is that you are going to be the person wearing those eyeglasses at least for the next year or two. This is why it is absolutely essential that you have to make the right decision before committing yourself. This is exactly why online shopping for glasses is so attractive. There is no time pressure at all and you can simply keep on browsing until you find something that appeals to you. This process can be stretched out over days or even weeks if that will make you happy. Only when you are completely satisfied can you proceed to commit yourself. There will be no pressure from other customers who are watching you with hawk eyes waiting for you to make a fool of yourself. An optometrist has been known to use a variety of strategies in order to get people to purchase expensive frames. It can be very difficult to find the correct frame in that store. When you find something you like it often does not have any price tag. Apparently, this is done intentionally because optometrist is hoping that people will fall in love with a specific frame only to realize afterward how expensive it is. When people eventually hear the price of that frame they feel that they can no longer back down and this can mess up your budget completely. This kind of situation will never happen online because all of the items are clearly marked so that you know in advance how much everything costs.
Eyeglasses are cheaper online
There are many hidden costs when you purchase your eyeglasses from an optometrist. You will be paying for all customizing and also for the crafting of the lenses. This can easily result in anything between 200 and $800 for the final product. Most of the online retailers will provide you with basic single vision lenses which will be included in the price which is quoted on that frame. This one benefit alone can result in savings of more than 70%. On most of the websites, there will be a clearly marked clearance section. On some websites that clearance section will start at $40 and less. Should a situation arise where you cannot make a decision between some of the frames which you have found then you might consider taking two of three pairs of eyeglasses. Therefore, instead of having one pair of costly eyeglasses which was provided by an optometrist, you can now have two or three pairs often for less than what you would have paid.
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