Bariatric surgery rewards a candidate in countless ways. But there are myths persist about the surgery and about obesity itself.
Thus, here are a few facts you should know about weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery:
- Obesity is not only a weight problem.
Obesity is also a metabolic disease. If your metabolism slows down then you can stay severely overweight even when you consume a modest number of calories.
- Bariatric Surgery prevents metabolic changes.
If you undergo bariatric surgery, after that you will feel full as well as satisfied after eating just a small meal.
- The risk is the same as the risk involved in gallbladder surgery.
The health risks involved in bariatric surgery are much lower than that of the health risks for obesity itself.
- Bariatric surgery is an emotional experience.
This is why you should get psychological and nutritional support beforehand from a medical expert.
- Health benefits are beyond weight loss.
Bariatric surgery often improves high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint pain, etc. apart from losing the excess body weight.
- Surgery can cure type 2 diabetes.
If you have just newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and undergo bariatric surgery, you might not need to start insulin shots.
- Government insurance covers bariatric surgery.
Many people do not realize that Medicaid and Medicare often also covers weight loss surgery.
- You are not likely to get a big scar.
The most common bariatric surgery procedures involve three to five incisions that are about 1/2 to 1 inch and not very long.
- Recovery from surgery is very fast.
Post undergoing bariatric surgery, you can be back at your desk job in two weeks and at any job in four weeks period.
- For 1-2 months, post-surgery, eating is work.
Eating slowly becomes pleasurable again when the swelling reduces and you get habited to consuming smaller portions.
- You’ll want to minimize liquids during meals.
This will help you allow in making room for solid foods and will also minimize discomfort.
- Bariatric surgery is not a destination but is a journey.
The most candidates will lose half their extra weight during the six months while preparing for the surgery and the rest over six to 12 months post-surgery.
- Success rates are 85%, five years after surgery.
Bariatric surgery has helped millions of people to maintain and achieve their weight loss.
Consult an expert bariatric surgeon, who is well versed and has past experience in the field. Also, get a clear understanding about the bariatric surgery and do not rely on myths.
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