Caroline, who is in her late 50s, complains of severe chronic pain making her life miserable. Sometimes the pain is so excruciating that it kind of makes her completely immobile and restricts her to bed. She has been hearing about CBD oil from many people and thought of trying the same for alleviating the symptoms of her chronic pain. She took the non-addictive CBD oil for pain relief, but the results she obtained were not very satisfactory. There was relief for sure but not kind of a permanent solution. Miraculously, on taking this CBD oil Caroline had reduced anxiety and stress levels and she confirmed that on her own. She said she could handle stress in a much better manner now and has become calm in the toughest of situations. Along with pain relief, CBD works wonders for anxiety as well.
The story of hemp and cannabis oil
There is general confusion among the public regarding hemp and cannabis oil. Hemp is considered as a kind of relative to the marijuana plant. CBD oil is obtained from hemp plant and is an important component of cannabis (marijuana). The best thing about CBD is that it doesn’t make one high. Hemp can be differentiated from marijuana in regard to THC, which is the main psychoactive ingredient, which is present in marijuana. The high that one feels on cannabis consumption is because of THC present.
When seen from commercial aspects, hemp proves to be highly promising for farmers. In a Forbes article it has been shown that market of legal cannabis will hit almost $57 billion by the year 2027. While 67% of spending for cannabis will be for recreational purpose, the rest 33% will be for medicinal purpose. In many states in the USA, only licensed farmers are allowed the sale and production of various kinds of hemp products. If you want to buy CBD oil or other cannabis and hemp products in USA, you can purchase them from various stores, hardware stores, mall kiosks, smoke shops as well as from online vendors.
Buying best CBD oil – what protection do buyers have?
When buyers are planning to buy CBD oil, they have to be very cautious. It is recommended to research various companies before taking the final decision of choosing the best CBD oil. Today there are many companies in the market, which claim to sell high quality CBD oil but only a few of them really do so. And this has been proved in various laboratory test results of various CBD oils. Whether you are purchasing CBD for anxiety or CBD oil for pain relief, doing proper research is mandatory. And this is applicable for purchasing products online as well as offline. Get real customers and ask them questions about the product and the effectiveness of the same. Until and unless the CBD oil is a quality product, refrain from purchasing the same. Many people purchase over the counter medications for pain relief, inflammation, sleep disorders etc. Instead of popping in the pills which also come with side effects, it is recommended to use a legal hemp product.
Physicians and government are hopeful but cautious at the same time
Though CBD products are gaining immense popularity, yet physicians and government are quite apprehensive regarding the products. Warning letters have been issued to many companies, which did not follow the rules and regulations for making CBD products, including oils, tinctures and other varieties. The chemical content of the various cannabinoid products are tested to see whether they are safe or not. Until and unless the products are FDA approved, it is recommended not to purchase the products in any manner.
Physicians too have mixed reactions on the CBD products. While CBD oil shows excellent results in some spheres like alleviating pain and inflammation, reducing stress and anxiety and so on, there are minor side effects from the same as well. Health practitioners are also confused regarding the effects of CBD on human beings on a long term basis. There are evidences of great results in many cases and this is showing light towards the good future of CBD products.
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