14 Jan 2025

Blog Post

What Really Works to Bring Back the Lost Hair?
Hair Care

What Really Works to Bring Back the Lost Hair? 

For women, hair loss could be a nightmare and so is the same for most men too. Hair loss after a certain age could be alarming as the look of the entire personality changes with the same. As per the health science, it is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands. One of the major culprits for hair loss is from genetics. However, you have some secrets to share with you. Minoxidil 2 has recently picked a great demand especially by women.

What Really Works to Bring Back the Lost Hair?

  1. Avoid uncomfortable hairdos and hairstyles:

Tight hairpins, hair bands, and ponytails may pull out the small hair leading to further hair loss. Avoid doing these as such hair styles cause stress to the scalp making it tired after sometime. Sensitive hair may also lead to thinning of hair.

  1. Stay away from heating agents:

From bleach to iron machine, anything that is hot from its chemical to electricity must be avoided on hair. Heat is a bad conductor of electricity and thus, using a curler machine, hairstraightening machine,or bleaching hair with chemicals may burn our hair texture leading to hair loss. Once you stop it, you would know the results that your hair has actually starting growing back from those empty areas.

  1. Include vitamins and minerals:

No matter what you apply on your hair or what treatment you go for hair regrowth, it is incomplete without intake of iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Your diet must include more of nuts, beans, fish, and lean meats that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Eating health could actually bring back your lost hair along with his lost shine.

  1. Go for a safe treatment:

When we talk about treatment, we could only think of Minoxidil 2.It does not need a special prescription and you may use it immediately after consulting your hair expert.

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