Statistics say that out of the female global population, about a third of them will experience female pattern baldness or alopecia in their lifetime, at some point or another. This seems to affect women who are post-menopausal the most as thinning hair and apparent patches of hairlessness on their scalp, makes them look into hair loss prevention in London as a serious need. The truth of the matter is that hair loss for women is still quite a social taboo, hence in that aspect, it ends up affecting the much more than it does men in terms of how their emotional well-being becomes challenging.
Here’s taking a look at the challenge and available solution from the eyes of experts as they educate us more on the topic of fighting hair loss in women and hair loss prevention in London:
Q:What are the different types of patterns of hair loss in females?
A: There is a classification technique known as Ludwig Classification that basically divide female hair loss into 3 distinct categories. Type 1 is assessed to be minimum and is something that can be tackled with something as simple as styling your hair differently. In Type 2 you can notice that there is a widening in the centre parting as well as the loss of volume that is apparent. Type 3 is considered to be a severe variant when you will feel like you can see through the hair to the scalp and it is accompanied by diffused thinning of hair which may warrant a hair transplant in London.
Q:What is Alopecia in Women?
A: It is a well-known fact that with age, most women will develop some amount of female pattern hair loss. For some this stage comes with puberty, while for the other it may be menopause — wherein have loss is something that on a natural basis increases. The risks of this can actually be much higher concerning women who have a family history of hair loss on be it on the mother’s side or the father’s side. Androgenetic Alopecia is caused due to the overproduction of hormones called androgens. Androgens are the hormones that are responsible for male sexual development and over-secretion of it in women which could be due to a range of causes like having an endocrine problem to an ovarian tumour – causes the hair fall.
This over-secretion ends up directly affecting the life cycle of your hair, which means that the time taken between your hair falling out and then growing again becomes longer which ultimately leads to the need for a hair transplant in London. In other cases, it may end up shrinking the size of your hair follicles which means that your hair will come out shorter and thinner than usual.
Q:How can women combat hair loss?
A: Few methods that can help women in combating hair loss are as follows:
- Using drugs like Minoxidil: Though not a miracle drug Minoxidil or Rogaine when used for topical application on the scalp producing some amount of growth. It will take at least 2 months of regular application to start noticing a difference and a full-blown change will take anywhere from between 6 months to a year.
- Anti-Androgens: Androgen hormones that can cause hairless in women include hormones like testosterone — for women who are not responding favourably to Minoxidil, anti-androgen drugs like spironolactone are used for the treatment of female pattern baldness for hair restoration in London. This is applicable most thus for women who suffer from PCOS, hence doctors tend to prescribe anti-androgen drugs along with birth control pills in such cases.
- Iron Supplements: For some women, their hair loss stems in deficiency of iron in their bodies. Once your doctor does your blood work to ascertain the cause of you losing hair— if he finds that deficiency of iron is the root cause, he will prescribe iron supplements as a method for hair restoration in London.
- Hair Transplantation: Last but not the least hair transplantation in London is your last resort which will aid in a relatively long term method of treatment that your doctor will recommend if everything else has failed wherein patches of active follicles will be transplanted into bald patches to stimulate hair growth.
Hair loss prevention in London when it comes to external factors may need medical intervention, when not caused by lifestyle deficiencies, hence it is best to consult a specialist and figure out what your plan of action needs to be.
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