With news of the opioid epidemic coming more and more frequently, it’s no wonder that you may be looking for a non-drug solution to your pain. Avoiding drugs eliminates the risk of addiction, as well as risks like allergic reactions, bad interactions, and overdose. Fortunately, there are several suitable therapies available. One of these is spinal cord stimulation.
What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?
This therapy does not block pain signals directly. Instead, it masks them before they reach the brain so that the perception of pain is reduced. It works by delivering an electric current to the spine.
This low current interferes with signal transmission. You may feel nothing unusual except for a lack of pain, or you may experience a mild tingling.
How is the Stimulation Delivered?
A small device is surgically implanted under the skin. When it is turned on, it delivers a controlled amount of electricity to the spinal nerve fibers.
Does This System Work for Everyone?
Some people do not like the tingling sensation that can result, and these people will need to look for an alternative pain management method. A few people will not experience any pain relief from this system.
They, too, will need to use an alternative method. Each patient is given a trial period before permanent implantation to ensure the suitability of the treatment, so there are no worries about being left with an unwanted device.
Can You Use Spinal Stimulation While on Pain Medications?
Yes. Often, people use spinal stimulation to reduce their need for drug-based treatments, rather than to avoid them entirely.
How Much Will Spinal Stimulation Reduce Your Pain?
Typically, the goal is a reduction of 50-70 percent rather than total relief. This makes it a good adjunct to other therapies.
To learn more about spinal stimulation, talk to your medical practitioner today.
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